I take a holistic approach to help your preventing and reversing disease. I care about your well being and will provide you with guidance, knowledge, and tools needed to be healthy. Acupuncture is believed to help remove blockages and restore energy flow, balancing your organs, mind, and body. It can treat many chronic and acute diseases, rather than managing or suppressing them. My goal is to provide a deeper healing of mental, emotional, and physical complaints.
for Face/Eye
Skin Conditions Treated:
253 Baldwin Avenue, San Mateo, California 94401, United States
Mon 3pm - 7pm
Tue closed
Wed closed
Thur closed
Fri 3pm - 7pm
Sat 2pm - 7pm
Sun 2pm - 7pm
Copyright © 2023 - All Rights Reserved by Cosmetics Acupuncture And Wellness